cold sweats

美 [koʊld swets]英 [kəʊld swets]
  • n.(通常因恐惧或焦急而出的)冷汗
  • cold sweat的复数
cold sweatscold sweats

cold sweats


  • 1
    N-COUNT (通常指由于害怕或紧张而出的)冷汗
    If you are in a cold sweat, you are sweating and feel cold, usually because you are very afraid or nervous.

    He awoke from his sleep in a cold sweat.


  1. You know . Cold sweats . Middle of the night .


  2. Does the thought of making a call give you cold sweats ?


  3. Have your ever had jaundice ( low grade fever , any chronic ailments , cold sweats at night , attacks of asthma )?


  4. When he tried accessing their traumas in therapy , they often became jittery , broke into cold sweats or shut down .


  5. However , the treatment is very expensive , and also has many side effects , such as anaemia , a greater decrease in hemoglobin , vomiting , cold sweats and nausea .


  6. There is no doubt that time will be the greatest healer , but there is a strong argument for putting the financial system through a methadone-clinic-style rehabilitation as opposed to the " cold sweats " rehab that we face .
